Ghoneim, M., Shamiah, S., El-Ragalaty, H., Hegazy, M., Hassabo, R. (2020). Effect of Using Magnetic Water on Milk Production and Its Components in Buffalo Cows تأثير إستعمال الماء الممغنط على إنتاج اللبن ومکوناته في إناث الجاموس.. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 11(10), 399-404. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2020.123626
M. M. Ghoneim; Sh. M. Shamiah; H. M. El-Ragalaty; M. M. Hegazy; R. M. Hassabo. "Effect of Using Magnetic Water on Milk Production and Its Components in Buffalo Cows تأثير إستعمال الماء الممغنط على إنتاج اللبن ومکوناته في إناث الجاموس.". Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 11, 10, 2020, 399-404. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2020.123626
Ghoneim, M., Shamiah, S., El-Ragalaty, H., Hegazy, M., Hassabo, R. (2020). 'Effect of Using Magnetic Water on Milk Production and Its Components in Buffalo Cows تأثير إستعمال الماء الممغنط على إنتاج اللبن ومکوناته في إناث الجاموس.', Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 11(10), pp. 399-404. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2020.123626
Ghoneim, M., Shamiah, S., El-Ragalaty, H., Hegazy, M., Hassabo, R. Effect of Using Magnetic Water on Milk Production and Its Components in Buffalo Cows تأثير إستعمال الماء الممغنط على إنتاج اللبن ومکوناته في إناث الجاموس.. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 2020; 11(10): 399-404. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2020.123626
Effect of Using Magnetic Water on Milk Production and Its Components in Buffalo Cows تأثير إستعمال الماء الممغنط على إنتاج اللبن ومکوناته في إناث الجاموس.
Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of magnetic water on the milk yield and composition of buffalo cows. Twenty buffalo cows within 4-5 parity and 490-520 kg live weight were divided into two groups (10/group). Animals in the first group (G1) drank magmatic water with 1200 Gauss permanent magnet, while animals in the second group (G2) drank nature water (NW). Milk yield was recorded individually in each group biweekly. Milk composition and white soft cheese manufacturing were determined after 6, 10 and 14 weeks of lactation period. Results revealed that water quality was improved by exposing to the magnetic field. Milk yield from buffalo cow drinking magnetic water was significantly (P<0.01) higher starting at 6 up to 14 weeks of lactation than buffalo consumed nature water (NW). The interaction effect between treatment and lactation week indicated higher contents of protein, lactose, solid not fat and ash in milk of cows drank magnetic water. Type of drinking water or lactation week and their interaction had no effect on sensory properties of cheese produced from milk. In conclusion, buffalo cow consuming magnetic water at 1200 Gauss improved milk yield and composition, but no changes were detected for drinking magnetic water on organoleptic scores of cheese produced from their milk.