Ali,, U. (2008). IMPACT OF INTERACTION BETWEEN GENOTYPE AND SEX ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS OF CHICKEN. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 33(3), 1883-1894. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2008.217768
U. M. Ali,. "IMPACT OF INTERACTION BETWEEN GENOTYPE AND SEX ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS OF CHICKEN". Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 33, 3, 2008, 1883-1894. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2008.217768
Ali,, U. (2008). 'IMPACT OF INTERACTION BETWEEN GENOTYPE AND SEX ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS OF CHICKEN', Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 33(3), pp. 1883-1894. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2008.217768
Ali,, U. IMPACT OF INTERACTION BETWEEN GENOTYPE AND SEX ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS OF CHICKEN. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 2008; 33(3): 1883-1894. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2008.217768
Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of naked neck gene, sex and their interaction on productive parameters and carcass characteristics of chicken. Naked neck (Nana) females were artificially inseminated with naked neck (Nana) males. According to the pervious mating, three genotypes (NaNa, Nana and nana) were produced. All chicks were reared under the same environmental, managerial and hygienic conditions from hatching time to 16 weeks of age. At 16 weeks of age 60 birds (10 bird /sex /genotype) were randomly chosen for carcass evaluation. The present results revealed that the presence of naked neck gene in a single state significantly increased body weight of chicken compared to nana genotype. With respect to body measurements, it could be noticed that the NaNa and Nana genotypes were significantly higher lengths of keel and shank compared to normally feathered genotype. Similar trend was obtained for head appendages. As expected the presence of naked neck in a single or double manner significantly reduced feather percentage by about 20.7 and 37.5% respectively. Percentages of dressing and breast muscles of NaNa and Nana genotypes were significantly higher than that of nana ones. Inversely, the abdominal fat percentage was significantly reduced in birds carrying naked neck gene. The naked neck gene in both cases associated with significantly increased hematocrit level and significantly decreased plasma cholesterol. Body weights, comb length, dressing percentage and blood parameters were significantly affected by sex. With respect to interaction between genotype and sex, it could be observed that the body weights, comb length, edible meat parts, abdominal fat and blood parameters were significantly affected by interaction between naked neck gene and sex. In conclusion, under summer season of Egypt, productive performance and carcass measurements could be improved by incorporating naked neck (Na) gene for increasing relative breast muscles and relative meat yield and decreased relative abdominal fat weight.