Barghouth,, A., Abdel–Moneim, A., El-Asheeri, A. (2000). A STUDY ON CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS AND MEAT QUALITY OF BALADI GOAT KIDS. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 25(6), 3245-3260. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2000.259382
A. A. Barghouth,; A. Y. Abdel–Moneim; Amal K. El-Asheeri. "A STUDY ON CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS AND MEAT QUALITY OF BALADI GOAT KIDS". Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 25, 6, 2000, 3245-3260. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2000.259382
Barghouth,, A., Abdel–Moneim, A., El-Asheeri, A. (2000). 'A STUDY ON CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS AND MEAT QUALITY OF BALADI GOAT KIDS', Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 25(6), pp. 3245-3260. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2000.259382
Barghouth,, A., Abdel–Moneim, A., El-Asheeri, A. A STUDY ON CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS AND MEAT QUALITY OF BALADI GOAT KIDS. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 2000; 25(6): 3245-3260. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2000.259382
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Eighteen male Baladi goat kids belonging to the sheep and goat farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, were used to study effects of castration age and slaughter age on carcass characteristics and quality of their meat. Kids were classified into three equal groups, each of six kids. Animals in the first group were castrated at 2 wk of age, those in the second group were castrated at 6 mo, whereas animals in the last group were left intact. Half the animals in each group were slaughtered at 12 mo of age where the others were slaughtered at 16 mo.
Pre-slaughter weight (PSW), empty body weight (EBW), body measurements at slaughter, carcass weight, dressing % on both PSW and EBW, internal offals, non-carcass fat and weights of carcass cuts were, generally, higher for castrated than intact kids and for older than younger ones. Between castrates, these values were mostly higher for 6-mo than for 2-wk castrates. External offals were mostly heavier for entire and older kids. Generally, meat of castrated kids was slightly more tender with higher pH values and lower water holding capacity (WHC) than entire kids. Moisture content was the highest in the meat of 6 mo castrates . Fat and ash contents were higher in castrated than entire kids . However , protein content was higher in intact than castrated kids , particularly in the leg muscle. Older kids had lower tenderness , WHC, marbling fat, protein and ash , but higher moisture than younger ones .