El-Kholany, M., Maged, G., Behery, H., Aboul-Omran, M., Elsayed, F., Ibrahim, F., Ragab, M. (2019). Productive Performance, some Rumen Parameters and Blood Profiele of Zaraibi does Fed Rations Containing Sesbania Sesban Seeds a New and High Source of Protein during Late Pregnancy and Suckling Periods. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 10(1), 13-20. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2019.40301
M. E. El-Kholany; G. A. Maged; H. R. Behery; M. A. Aboul-Omran; F. A. Elsayed; F. A. Ibrahim; Mona A. Ragab. "Productive Performance, some Rumen Parameters and Blood Profiele of Zaraibi does Fed Rations Containing Sesbania Sesban Seeds a New and High Source of Protein during Late Pregnancy and Suckling Periods". Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 10, 1, 2019, 13-20. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2019.40301
El-Kholany, M., Maged, G., Behery, H., Aboul-Omran, M., Elsayed, F., Ibrahim, F., Ragab, M. (2019). 'Productive Performance, some Rumen Parameters and Blood Profiele of Zaraibi does Fed Rations Containing Sesbania Sesban Seeds a New and High Source of Protein during Late Pregnancy and Suckling Periods', Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 10(1), pp. 13-20. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2019.40301
El-Kholany, M., Maged, G., Behery, H., Aboul-Omran, M., Elsayed, F., Ibrahim, F., Ragab, M. Productive Performance, some Rumen Parameters and Blood Profiele of Zaraibi does Fed Rations Containing Sesbania Sesban Seeds a New and High Source of Protein during Late Pregnancy and Suckling Periods. Journal of Animal and Poultry Production, 2019; 10(1): 13-20. doi: 10.21608/jappmu.2019.40301
Productive Performance, some Rumen Parameters and Blood Profiele of Zaraibi does Fed Rations Containing Sesbania Sesban Seeds a New and High Source of Protein during Late Pregnancy and Suckling Periods
Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
This work was carried out to investigate the effect of using Sesbanialseeds (SS) (treated and untreated) to partially substitute concentrate feed mixture (CFM) protein in rations of pregnant goats during the late pregnancy and suckling periods and its influence on production performance of Zaraibi does and their new born kids. The impact on some metabolic parameters (rumen and blood) as well as economic efficiency was also tested. Twentylfive Zaraibi does inlthe 2th, 3nd and 4th seasonslof lactationl (weighing on averagel35.88 kg) werelused. Thelanimals wereldivided accordinglto theirlbody weightlinto five similarlgroups (5 each), tolstudy effectlof usingl Sesbanialseeds las alsource oflprotein atllevels of 0.0% (G1), 10% (G2) and 20% (G3) from CFM protein. Sesbanialseeds wereltreated (TSS) bylsocking and roasting and used at the same levels (10 and 20%) in G4 and G5, respectively. The obtained results showed that the daily dry matter intake tended to decrease with increasing level of Sesbanialseeds in goats' rations. The same trend wasiobservedlwith treated Sesbanialseeds (TSS). The clear decrease in DM intake as g/h and g/kgw0.75 with increasing level of Sesbanialseeds even after being treatedlmight indicate thatlsome anti-nutrional factors lremained in the seeds. On thelother hand, the daily DMlintake expressedlas BW% and g/kg w 0.75 duringlsuckling periodlwas higherlthan that consumedlduring the latelpregnancy periodlin allltreatments. Thislmay belattributed tolthe increased rumenlsize of thelanimals afterlparturition andlbeing freelof the gravedluterus stresslon thelrumen. Inlthe sametime, thelhighest valuelof waterlconsumption as l/h, ml/kgw0.75andlml/gDM intakelwas recorded with G5 thenlG4;whereas, thellowest valuelwas found in G1. Theleffect of theltested experimental rationslon both pH valueland ammonia-N concentrationslwas notlsignificant withleach samplingltime. Ruminalltotal VFA's concentrations duringlall hourslpost-feedinglwere thelhighest with G4,whilelthe lowestlvalues wereldetected with G3,and the differenceslwere significantlamong intervalslof sampling. Ruminallmicrobial protein waslsignificantly higherlwith G4 then G3 at 2 and 4 hrs. post-feeding. lThe effectlof theltested rations during late pregnancyland sucklinglperiods indicatedlthat mostlhematological parametersltended toldecrease duringlthe lastlpregnancy periodlthen inlsuckling periodland the differenceslwere onlylsignificant in valueslof Hb, RBC's, MCHC ,lymphocytes, and lplatelets. Duringlthe late lpregnancy period, the lconcentrations oflcreatinine and thyroid lhormones significantlylincreased compared withlduring the sucklinglperiod. Calcium, phosphorus and lmanganiseium were lhigher during sucklinglperiods comparedlwithlate periods. Thellive bodylweight (LBW) ofldoes increasedlto the maximumlbefore parturitionland recorded thelhighest values thenlsharply decreased (post-parturition) to thelminimum atlday 90th (weaning) inlall groups. Theldoes givenlSesbanialseeds duringlthe last two monthlof pregnancy gavelborn kids withlheaver weightlat the birthland weaninglthen thoselfed control, thelhighest valueslwere recodedlwith G5,theldifferences werelsignificant. Thelobtained data lshowed that the lstill birth cases lwere noticeable higher in G1lcompared with thelother groups. Thelhighest litter size waslrecorded with G5 andlthe lowestlwith G2, but, G1, G3 and G4 recordedlmedium value. Thelhighest value ofldaily bodylgain (DBG) waslrecorded with G5 followedlby G4, while G1 recorded the lowest. Accordingly, out putlmeasured as kilogramslproduced perldoe was betterlwith G5 followed lby G4 and lastlylthe G1. The obtainedldata indicatedlthat the lmortality cases decreasedlwith increasing Sesbanialseeds level in lgoat's rations. Generally, the leconomic efficiency was limproved with Sesbanialseeds rations lcompared with control. Thislhad a good economic returnlon the herd of Zaraibi goats.